Solving all the pain points of traditional search.
We've supported 4,000+ organisations in 100+ countries.

Explore Hiring

Our sister business - - was founded by McKinsey alum and is the smartest way to hire (ex)consulting & finance professionals, worldwide.

As professionals we found traditional recruitment frustrating. Hiring managers shared equally painful experiences with us. So we started movemeon to bring the best of digital to engage & hire from our community of 21st century leaders.

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Podcast - Movemeon - an introduction




General Management


Freelance consulting

Commercial Leadship

Private Equity

Chief of Staff

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Trusted worldwide

4,000+ organisations in 100+ countries have partnered with us for permanent hiring & freelance consulting projects.

High calibre

Our technology & team has been built so that we're best known for reaching passive candidates - talent you can't find elsewhere.

Solving pain points

We built our technology & service in collaboration with our customers - we solve all the pain points associated with traditional search firms.

Explore how Movemeon works for hiring

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